Any ideas on how I can use this aiming mechanic?

I made a custom control script similar to the mobile game You use your mouse to aim and the WASD keys to move. Any ideas on how I can use this mechanic besides using it for a survival game?

If you think a survival game is better, tell me how I could do it.

Game link: survival ig - Roblox


Multiply the movement direction vector by the humanoid root part’s lookvector.

That can be for another game type. It’s sometimes hard to control.

I don’t understand what you mean. It will work.

Are you suggesting that the character always moves toward the mouse’s position? The mouse controls the HRP btw.

Can you show me the script? Also this should be in #help-and-feedback:scripting-support.

Ohhhhhh you misunderstood my post. I asked for game ideas about my control script, not for help with my script. Did you read my entire post?

I think that this would be great for a Survival Game!

Also how where you able to do it?
I only need an explanation

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I made it so that for every render step, I make the camera position the HRP’s position plus the custom offset (-10, 20, 0). Then I made it so the camera always looks at the character’s position. This gives the camera a tilt since the X value of the custom offset is -10.

You might already know how I made the HRP always follow the mouse. But yeah.

For the UI, I made a long image with an arrow on top in photoshop and made the rotation equal to the HRP’s Y Orientation. Nothing too complicated!

Thanks for asking!

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No I don’t have any idea of how you did taht :rofl::rofl::rofl:

If you know how to get the mouse’s hit, simply make the HRP look at it with CFrame:

hrp.CFrame =,, hrp.Position.Y, mouse.Hit.Z))

Make sure to turn off AutoRotate in the humanoid for this to work effectively!

Maybe make it a 2D quest game. I really don’t know.

Four people clicked it. I wasn’t one of them.

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It actually is a link, I don’t know why but it redirects you to some website, have you tried doing

Oh yeahh I should have thought of that.