Any Ideas on how to layout a cell block in my game?

I am creating a SCP game; all was going smoothly until, Boom! I hit a roadblock. I just can’t seem to figure out how to layout a large containment area. I was going to do rows of cells, but there simply isn’t enough room.

  • This is the area I’m having issues with filling in:

  • Another idea I had was 4 corners, with each housing a small containment area; As portrayed here:

  • My area is 186 studs by 260 studs. If anyone could give some tips/ideas I would be extremely grateful!!!

  • Please note that the rectangles outside of the box are buildings/ hallways!

Sorry, no suggestions really since I’m not sure what you are going for.
Cells are usually pretty small, so you should be able to fit a bunch of them in there unless you are planning bigger cells.
How wide are the hallways? You have 1 in the middle of each side which cuts down on your ability to fine tune your spacing. If the halls are 20 studs wide centered in each wall that leaves 4 blocks of 83x120 studs which seems pretty large.

When I design anything I usually just use 1 stud thick walls to do a very rough layout (absolutely NO details) and then I Test it and walk around to see how the scale looks and feels. This lets me know what areas need to be bigger or smaller, and keeps me from having to resize entire areas when I do start adding more details.

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Insteading of going wide with your cells, think about going upwards. This would allow you to have a second, third, fourth story solely dedicated to Class D personal and would allow more space for class D players to come in. This way you wouldn’t have to have a huge open area for cells sideways but instead could have it upwards. Hope this helped :slight_smile:

Edit: Forgot about the containtment area, that area could be the area down below the cell block :slight_smile: