this is a nightclub for a horror game im working on and ive not done any progress since 3 days ago because my mind is completely blank and clueless on what details/objects should i put, yesterday and this morning i tried to make sofa/couches for the large table that you see in the middle but i keep deleting them because it didnt fit with the environment, also i did say “on the marked areas” in the title but you could choose to give ideas on any part of the building
Adding furniture and details to empty spaces are (in my opinion), the hardest part of building, and also the make or break point lol. Anyways, first thing i would recommend is just changing the size of the club, which would get rid of the empty space.
If you dont wanna do that, i can recommend a few things:
if you feel uninspired, take a break, or or play a few club games to get some inspiration.
You can probably add: more tables or dance floor, a club never has enough of those (or private tables behind small walls) additional bar, a DJ space, any sort of art or statue, probably something neon can help, a sign with the name of the club with some lights, or a technical space (storage for drinks and lights etc)
yeah true, one of the biggest problems about me is that i always overthink on how will other players judge my builds when its going public, maybe the Additional bar doesnt look right or this table doesnt look detailed enough, so i keep deleting stuff when i made progress because it just doesnt fit and i want everything in this nightclub to have atleast a consistent quality and not just some block merged with another block which in conclusion, makes me demotivated and uninspired. I also dont think other players will even care but i keep doing it
Idk if it’s allowed but putting a poker table will look cool
Don’t overthink it bro your build looks great plus most players won’t really notice the super small details so don’t stress.