Any improvements to be made to this UI?

I am making a RPG waved base game with a story in it. On start, you get a selection from three classes by random from the game.

I was mainly wondering if there is any way to make this look more appealing or any other improvements?

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Colors are not fitting each other. Because the yellow text looks way more alive and warm than the rest. Also, it has a black stroke which makes it more eye catching than the pale green and red buttons with greyish text. Long story short, my suggestion would be to make the the color of the buttons and the text of the buttons to more warm ones.

Hope that helps, good luck and have fun with your work!


Thank you for the feedback! Helps out a lot.

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“Select” buttons should be green. When you hover your mouse over any of the select buttons, they should increase in size a bit. Instead of having “Select Class”, you can just use “Confirm”.

Also, if you’re really concerned about the interface, don’t be. At the end of the day, gameplay really is all that matters. When a player enters a game, it’s not to admire the GUIs, it’s to have fun. Selecting a class only takes a few seconds, it’s not something you repeatedly see and interact with like an inventory GUI or something.

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Ah, I see! Thanks as well for the help.