Any Model Rotate Plugins?

I’m working on a road right now and it’s taking a longer time to build than how it should be if that makes sense at the moment im using buildv4, but is there any plugins that can rotate models like how buildv4 can rotate parts smoothly?:disappointed_relieved:


There are plenty of building plugins that have model roation as part of its tool set, two notable ones are Studio Build Suite (my preference) and F3X.


Personally, for roads, I prefer Archimedes


:scream: can’t wait!!

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I would use Studio Build Suite as it can rotate models smoothly. I wouldn’t use F3X as that is good for individual parts so if you want to rotate a model with that you will have to select each individual part in the model and that could be a pain. But with Studio build suit you can just click on the model and rotate the whole thing without selecting each individual part inside the model.

Dude, gapfill by Stravant is incredible for building roads. You have to manually rotate some segments but the space between each one is basically automatically filled. It looks better and saves a lot of time

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