Any new Triangle Terrain Plugins?

I’ve been using FusiaOS Triangle Terrain plugin for a while now, doesn’t seem like there are any other triangle terrain plugins that work very well(atleast that I know of). Just wondering if anyone has any better triangle terrain plugins that allow you to customize the size of the terrain, easily move vertices in real time, and create more vertices that are not on the plane. Thanks!


Atrazine’s tri terrain plugin is the best I’ve ever found. It lets you move nodes already connected with triangles, and it will update accordingly.

EDIT: Actually, reading the comments, it appears to be broken at the moment? You could still try it anyway but.


What are you working on currently? (2019)

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There are a few decent triangle plugins that’ll allow you to toggle to move the vertices I would consider trying to experiment with “Terrain Plugin” it’ll allow you to create triangle terrain with moving the vertices I do believe you can customize it. I’ll try giving it a go and try getting comfortable with the tool and movements, i do believe it’s a still workable plug-in.

A better approach would be using the (Atrazine’s Terrain Plugin). It’s a decent plugin for making triangle terrain it’s quite easy to learn the tools and ropes you can make some decent terrain out of this; by placing nodes and using the features to produce a design your wanting.

I just came up with a script that helps you place nodes much easier.

local Folder ="Folder", workspace)
Folder.Name = "Nodes"
local Nodes ="Folder", Folder)
Nodes.Name = "ReallyblackNodes"

local campos = workspace.Camera.CFrame.Position
local EachSideLength = 24000
local Corner1 = campos + /2) , 100, (EachSideLength /2))
local NodeCount = 400   
local DistanceBetweenEachNode = (EachSideLength)/NodeCount

print("Expected distance is.." ..DistanceBetweenEachNode)

for pop = -(math.sqrt(EachSideLength ))/2 , (math.sqrt(EachSideLength ))/2 do
  for i = -(math.sqrt(EachSideLength ))/2 , (math.sqrt(EachSideLength ))/2 do 

      local rayOrigin = campos + * i, 0 , DistanceBetweenEachNode * pop)
     local rayDirection =, -500, 0) 

      local raycastParams =
      raycastParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = {workspace}
      raycastParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Whitelist
      local raycastResult = workspace:Raycast(rayOrigin, rayDirection, raycastParams)
      if raycastResult and raycastResult.Instance.Name == "AREATOBENODED" then
               local node ="Part")
               node.Size =,1.5,1.5)
               node.Color =,0,0)
               node.Parent = workspace.Nodes.ReallyblackNodes
               node.Position = raycastResult.Position
        print("no hooray")  

Run this in command bar. :smiley:

It finds any part in workspace that is called “AREA TO BE NODED” and shades them but make sure the camera is above them.

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I have a question though. I’ve been using this plugin for a while for a ton of maps, however, I haven’t seen anywhere where I can can store the data, and actually allow me to manipulate the nodes after if I close out of Studio for the day. What I mean to say is that, do you know if the plugin stores the node data which would allow me to manipulate the nodes after I close studio or is it is meant to not save? I feel something like this is super important especially for us builders because we tend to change ideas very quickly and seek to reform/modify already made things such as roads, terrain, etc. So having the option to be able to modify the nodes and manipulate them long after we close out of our sessions for the day is essential.

I feel like I overcomplicated there. What I mean to say is is there any way i can manipulate the nodes after I close out of studio? And if not, would anyone be willing to help with making it do that?

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Kinda late but I ended up finding it a while ago, it’s a customised Atrazines plugin and lets you edit the nodes after you close studio.

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this is a lifesaver, thought id have to start using blender