Any one has a name module or a table of names?

I am making a game similar to the game “Papers Please” where you have to detect false information about a character and deny them access if they have incorrect information. Anyone have a module that just has a bunch of first and last names? I don’t need many but I want to be able to generate random first and last names easily.

Several lists here for first names, middle names & last names.

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I seen that, but I would prefer like a formatted version of it, like as a table. Not so many, but still a good amount of names.

Nevermind… Found it lol. Sorry.

It’s JSON. You can turn it into a table using JSONDecode

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randomname.rbxm (467.6 KB)

Here you go, wrote you a script.

I ended up using lists from here instead.

Sample output:


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I found a more quicker way of doing something like this, but thank you a lot though!