Having a Billboard inside of a part that has a Transparency of 1 causes the part to become visible. Setting the transparency to 0.99 fixes it. I believe this is a mistake.
We’re not sure if it’s only to do with BillboardGui’s or not, it seems to happen to other things as well but not all things.
This is happening on the latest client version and it appears to be only effecting newly published games.
This started happening after a client update that went out about an hour ago.
I am looking into this right now and have turned off the feature that should cause this, if you can confirm behavior is normal again, that’d be greatly appreciated.
This is also happening for any models that use highlights and have transparent parts inside of them. As soon as the highlight gets parented to the model all transparent parts become visible.
I’m pretty sure the fix that was applied disabled the feature that caused this bug entirely, so this should be fixed. I can’t reproduce so you should try joining a new server/restarting Studio.