Any possible way to change player's Head model to default model (or other designated head model) without using Player:ClearCharacterAppearance()

Hi, wondering if there is a possible way to change a players head model i.e. from headless to default head without using clear char appearance. I was going to use it but it caused a weird error and I’d rather not change the code I have right now. Although I’m definitely content with leaving it as is, I would like to know it is possible for this to be done.

Error (I change body colors after clearing):
Body Colors is not a valid member of Model “Workspace.Juicy_Fruit”

You could try deleting the mesh inside the head and then creating a new mesh with the “Head” MeshType

Thanks for letting me know this existed, I haven’t had time to check up on this but when I have time–I definitely will want to go ahead with merely changing the asset id from the mesh you mentioned. Should work, otherwise Ill try it your way completely.

I went ahead and obtained a “mesh” I wanted (which was the default head mesh) and put it into replicated storage. Destroying the current mesh and replicating the default worked.