Any scripts or plugins that can show the visitors username?

Hello you-all, so I’m adding a shout-out feature in my game and I need either a plugin or a script for me to know who joined and visited my game with their username. If there is, please help out. It also has been botted and raided multiple times by some ALT accounts that are against me for some reason.

You can do a simple search on Google of how to make a “Roblox to Discord join logs system” if you are looking to log joins. I think there are free scripts out there that are extremely easy to set up, you just have to make the webhook yourself. Discord seems to be used a lot by everybody and people tend to use it to do things like logs joins or logs exploiters.

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You can make a module something like this

module.sendDiscordMessage = function(data, url)
local processed_data = {
	['embeds'] = {{
		['title'] = data.title,
		['description'] = data.description,
		['color'] = data.color,
				['url'] = data.url,
				['content'] = "content",
		['thumbnail'] = {['url'] = data.thumbnail};
			['footer'] = {
				['text'] = "20:20:20 [Setup your own time formatting thingy]",	
	local encodeddata = HTTP:JSONEncode(processed_data);
local s,f = pcall(function()
	HTTP:PostAsync(url, encodeddata);
end)if(f) then warn(f)end;

Other scripts

local DiscordWebhookAPI = require(path.module);
local DiscordWebhookAddress = "Your-Webhook-Address";

local ImageCache = {};

    if not (ImageCache[Plr]) then ImageCache[Plr] = game:GetService("Players"):GetUserThumbnailAsync(Plr.UserId, Enum.ThumbnailType.AvatarThumbnail, Enum.ThumbnailSize.Size420x420); end;
    title = "Player Added";
    description = Plr.Name.." Has Joined A Server";
    color = "9807270";
    url = ""..Plr.UserId;
    thumbnail = ImageCache[Plr] or "";
}, DiscordWebhookAddress);

Sorry if there’s any errors, kinda hard typing on here.

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Thank you for the help, let me check and see if it works.

local http = game:GetService("HttpService")

	local Data = {
	["content"] = ("The player named ".. " has joined the game!")
		Data = http:JSONEncode(Data)
	http:PostAsync("You can put your webhook link here", Data)
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Thank you for helping! But it didn’t really seem to work for some reason. Anything else I needed to change for the script to work? As I only just copied the Discord webhook link.

Did you put the link of your webhook into the ()?