Any Suggestions For My Gfx?

Any Suggestions For My Gfx?

I used Blender 2.8


Looks good so far!
I would change afew things:

  • Maybe add abit more lighting (Make it brighter or try adding rim lighting)
  • Bend the legs and left arm abit.

Everything else looks great!

I first do the arm movement in roblox then import it in blender.

Then, I add light and fix out the camera

adding into @D3v_Peanut

  • Alignment - keep the avatar in the center.
  • The brown block is useless there remove it.
  • the floor is tilted to the left
  • the background makes near to no sense, keep it simple and something that makes more sense.

Aight thx for the feedback! I will work on it.

For me, lighting is the main issue. It’s hard to understand what’s going on in the background since lighting is very limited. But on the bright side, I love the pose of the character, as well as their outfit! Looks nice so far!

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Not much feedback from me… However, I do agree completely with what @D3v_Peanut said in an earlier post. Other than that, keep up the great work!

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