My game has been out for about three weeks now and is starting to gain some traction. My problem is that I can tell that some of the players are bots. I don’t mean the ones that come into the game and spam some text and then leave, I mean actual playing bots.
The game is only three weeks old, but they run up the leaderboards at an amazing pace surpassing people who are playing for long periods and even people buying in-game boosts. They also are doing things like equipping pets, using my petIds, when they have no pets in inventory. Using the same Tool and the Same backpack, all using names with a ton of numbers in them but active Roblox accounts.
I tried putting a randomly generated code that is temporarily in my system, then using that code in my remote events for things like purchases and rebirths, but they must be using some sort of external system that is using the Roblox client.
Any ideas on how to handle this? Do any of you with large games experience this and what should I do to prevent it?
I chosed bones to symbolize as a trap. You can assume it’s like you’re setting a trap, and if they don’t have an the terms that are met then they’ll be banned.
Also give them random tests and grant them a reward in return.
I was going to say add an age limit so only a certain account age + could play, and then kicking out anyone under that account age. But, you could be kicking random innocent players so that’s not a very good idea. Joining to what, @WarnenIII mentioned. Perhaps you could add a welcome note, or if they want a tutorial, etc. If the player doesn’t press yes or no for a certain amount of time, you kick them.
Realized I replied to @WarnenIII instead of the owner of the post, oops.
Ages aren’t incompatible to bots, they can just be set to lie to this everytime.
Quizes help the players do easy math and get good dailies. Just do pure math quizes or mix and match challenges.
by what youre talking about,insert a local script into starterplayerscripts
use account age etc, like game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(plr) if plr.AccountAge<3 then plr:Kick–its in days by the way. Otherwise to stop scammers ,To get rid of “spamming scammers” for other types of bots add keywords after the specified ones
it will help,i don’t take credit but I edited some stuff,this is a module script
place it anywhere
local filterlist = {"generate robux", "", "got tons of robux", "free robux", "tons of robux", "fast robux", "gain robux", "robux instantly", "", "generate robux", "generate ROBUX", "generate ROBUX instantly", "generate robux instantly", "gain ROBUX", "ROBUX instantly", "just got TONS of ROBUX using", "in your browser to generate ROBUX instantly!", "just got TONS of ROBUX using! Visit in your browser to generate ROBUX instantly!"}
-- Not allowed words
local whitelisted = {"-person allowed ,user id-"}
return function (chatService)
local function processMessage(speaker, message, channel)
local client = game.Players:FindFirstChild(speaker)
if (client == nil) then
return false
for _, whitelist in next, whitelisted do
if ((type(whitelist) == "string") and (whitelist:lower() == client.Name:lower() or whitelist == client.UserId)) then
return false
elseif ((type(whitelist) == "number") and (whitelist == client.UserId)) then
return false
for _, toFilter in next, filterlist do
if (message:lower():match(toFilter:lower()) ~= nil) then
return true
return false
chatService:RegisterProcessCommandsFunction("filterlist", processMessage)
then insert a script into the module
` script.Parent.Parent = game.Chat:WaitForChild(“ChatModules”)