Any thoughts about my city or suggestions? I’d love to hear some suggestions or ideas.
Why does the bridge only have one protection thingy.
Looks really good, things I would suggest you to add. Should make the road a little more bigger so the building, are not on the grass and I would add sidewalks going to the buildings. And add like some stores and different buildings besides duplicating, them they look quite good by the way would. Add those in the city maybe add some cars and signs!
Wow that’s great better than I could do
I do like the simple minimalistic style you have going on here. The bridge looks nicely built. My suggestion is to add some smaller buildings within the skyscrapers and some more environmental scenic aspects you would find in a city. Never stray from letting that imagination loose!
It has two of the large truss structures.
The bridge is fairly plain when real bridges are much larger and bulkier. It also lacks truss joining the two sides together at the top. Take a look at some real bridges for inspiration, for example:
Regarding the city, the skyscrapers are in the middle of the grassland. This makes no sense; pavement should join the road to the skyscraper, not grass.
For a city, it’s extremely small. The river is too close to the grass, and there is apparently no amount of rocks or what have you to separate the river from the grass, just a plain, green block. There could be a river walk, rocks, a railing. So much more hasn’t been added.
@ScytheSlayin I advise that you put more thought into what you’re about to say. “Protection thingy” is not a technical term. You can’t be meaning the truss on either side of the bridge because both images clearly show it appearing on both sides, in which case, I’m left confused on what you even mean.
@SuperMonkeyRules If you have a positive opinion on something, give it a heart. No need to make a post saying how you couldn’t build something.
Looks good so far!
My only input would be maybe have a little bit of consistency when it comes to the windows on the building. On one side you have sections going horizontally, but on the other you have vertical as well. You might want to try having one of the styles across the entire building, as in real life skyscrapers and office buildings are very consistent unless they’ve had an addition built onto them.
Hope this helps!

The buildings are fairly good, I would work on the bridge though seems to be a little over the top doing something with barriers on the side that are more basic and about as tall as a roblox avatar would suit the build better. I also recommend using a roblox NPC to make sure your scaling everything well in terms of the size of a roblox character. Good luck to you on your builds!
I would also add a grey brick that is slightly taller than the grass area here to showcase that the city ends where the water starts.
looks not bad … but there are some flaws
1.If you look from afar, houses look beautiful … but close they will look bad … do something so that the lower level would differ from the building (make a cafe there or whatever you want)
2. The island looks too square … make a beach or a port
oh … i found one mistake
probably a late response, but I like the way your buildings are structured and if thats the feel that you’re going for with the trees, that low-poly(ness), keep it up, I would reccomend adding lines to the road if you are trying to get right lane left lane, it would probably make your city look better