Any tips on cartoon UI design?

I have been trying to find good color combinations and such but i don’t really have much experience with UI design.

Is it better to use a set color palette or should i have a grey like color that i use with any other color?
What are some useful tips to make the UI design look good
All help is appreciated.

Hey @DalekAndrew99! It would be helpful if you show a picture of the UI or a game link so we can help you more!


It largely depends on what the UI is for and the “aesthetic” that you’re aiming on.

Most people go for a matte, dark background (Such as grey, pale red, etc.) and then have some trimmings which contrast the background using highlights or details to make it visually appealing.
I highly suggest, like ScytheSlayin, that you give a picture of your current project so we can help you further!

Try using this website, and look for colors that match your game style.

Well here is a my inventory button:
And health and mana bars:

I am trying to make a cartoon style game

Instead of using studio try some applications. Here is something cartoony I made yesterday.
It could also use some rounder edges.


No offense, The UI’s dont look cartoony at all. Sorry! I suggest looking at google for references that could help you out!

Oh i guess i am thinking more of a steampunk cartoon look (less bubble looking)

i have a pic of the style i am thinking of:

You will need a program like photoshop or affinity designer, I think Inkscape is a free ui software.

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Ok i worked on this for a bit and made a nice looking UI:

Looks nice, You can fix the Inventory one a bit tho, It goes outside of the button.

Id suggest using icons rather than words, as most would rather look at a fun and exciting picture than read a word that is bland and ugly. :slight_smile: