Any way to avoid my dummy to explode when I put a new accessory?

It’s been many months since this bug happens to everyone in Roblox Studio. I found no solution about it.
So I reask again.

Why Roblox still doesn’t fix this terrible bug? It doesn’t happen when I export an outfit with accessories.
But if I copy and paste an accessory in the character, the dummy explodes.
I don’t have access to Bug Report Topic, so I hope someone else makes a topic like that…
EDIT : It looks like this bugs happens mostly with UGC accessories.

Did you consider welding it instead?

It would be really bad to use this way. Roblox has created attributes that should work straight away. It’s too long to weld either even each time and at the perfection.

From what I’m looking at here:
The HumanoidRootPart is still there, but the upper body has separated and “exploded” as you say. I don’t think there’s a fix for this, you would have to wait for Roblox to fix this.

Feel free to correct me though.


Yes I guess we need to wait for Roblox to fix it, but it’s been a while…