Any way to detect when StreamingEnabled client sided part physics stop working?

I have run into an issue when enabling StreamingEnabled, although my game works as intended, physics on parts created by a LocalScript stop running when they reach outside of what seems to be the streaming radius. I had assumed that by setting the StreamingPauseMode to Default/Disabled it would not pause any physics run by the client. However, in these specific circumstances they just completely stop until the player moves close enough for the physics to start running again.

I am wondering if there is any workaround to this or at least a way of detecting when this happens to a specific part (created by the client).

Look at this article about StreamingEnabled.

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I know how StreamingEnabled works and I am looking for a solution to the problem outlined by me in my post that is not mentioned in the article.

Would getting the distance between the player’s character and the locally instanced parts and then comparing that with the StreamingEnabled’s minimum radius within a RenderStepped event loop suffice?

You definitely have the right idea, though since the locally created parts are constantly moving, I found that I can also simply compare the part’s position of the current frame versus the last frame via the RenderStep (to determine if it has moved since the last frame) for more accuracy. Comparing it to the minimum radius would at times probably be too premature considering the default value is a pretty small number.