Any way to disable rich text properties showing on TextBoxes?

I’m creating a debugging screen for my project that uses a TextBox to allow the user to copy and paste. Is there any way to disable the RichText properties from showing when the user goes to copy?


Just turn off the RichText property :roll_eyes: :man_shrugging:

What you can do is basically have a TextLabel display the contents with the markup and have the TextBox text be the raw text. When you click the TextBox, just make it so that the TextLabel becomes invisible.

Found this out when I was trying to make a Script Editor GUI from a another post (forgot what it was called sorry)

That wouldn’t allow for setting multiple lines via a script, though.

Sorry, could you elaborate on this more? I’m only using the line break with rich text, is there any way to add that without rich text?

Maybe \n which is equivalent to a line break. Unsure if it works with Text though

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Yep, that works with TextBoxes. Thanks for the help!

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