I’m doing this for a loading bar and want to know if I can sync up my loading bar and my “Loading Assets - 0% done” text.
yes u can know the time of the tween, for example if u know ur tween lasts 2 seconds, then u can easilly represent that on bar
It’s not simple math, is it? I don’t have any percentages in the math program this year, but you could use fractions and convert them into percentages. You can use the size as reference, so for example local fraction = AktualSize/TotalSize
and just convert this to a percentage. You can google.
Well no, since it represents the amount of time it takes for all assets to load in…
How would I get the fraction completed then?
why would u like to tween unload assets, I dont get it
So all the assets are preloaded into the game before the player joins
you can do something like this
--GUIObject:TweenPosition(BlaBla, EasingDirection, EasingStyle, Time)
local CurrentTime = tick()
local percentage
percentage = ((CurrentTime-tick()) / Time) * 100
If you want it in decimal form simply remove the * 100
Just make sure you keep updating the percentage value with that formula so it’s up to speed
I think this is a loading screen script:
local loadingScreen = script.LoadingScreenGUI
loadingScreen.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui
local contenProvider = game:GetService("ContentProvider")
local toLoad = workspace:GetDescendants()
local total = #toLoad
for i,v in pairs(toLoad) do
loadingScreen.Background.Counter.Text = "Loading: " .. i .. "/" .. total .. " " .. v.Name
loadingScreen.Background.BarBG.Bar.Size = UDim2.new(i/total, 0, 1, 0)
Oh, yeah it is, my bad (30 chars)
Why not the GetPropertyChangedSignal function? So if the size stops to change it would stop the script.
Its only asking for getting a percentage, not how to make a LoadingScreenScript. Else it would first ask on how to make a LoadingScreen (but Youtube and other platforms are full with Roblox Tutorials) and then this here.
Ye that works too
(30 Characters)
Ok so this is giving me an error:
local percent = tonumber(script.Parent.Loaded.Size.X) / 0.9 * 100
EDIT: maybe because it’s a UDim2
the tonumber is useless (in that scenario), and yes it’s because its udim, you need to index the scale or offset value.
Ok. That works but how can I remove all the decimals places, so it’s only a whole number? Sorry, never done something like this haha
you use the math.floor() function
math.floor(script.Parent.Loaded.Size.X.Scale / 0.9 * 100)
Please never suggest pushing the entire workspace’s descendants through PreloadAsync. This diminishes the benefit of it and long loading screens are bad for UX.
PreloadAsync only deals in assets coming from CDNs (unions, meshes, textures, sounds, etc) and you should only be using it with things that need to be seen immediately. Anything else can be downloaded in the background. Preload is intended to prioritise downloading.
Also, long loading screens aren’t the best for impatient audiences, especially young players.