I’m currently trying to generate an audio waveform using a for loop and PlaybackLoudness, however I’m stuck, as it just gives me useless values every time as can be seen below.
The blue lines are supposed to vary in height depending on the PlaybackLoudness fetched by my GetWaveformSamples function, which is scripted as follows:
local WaveformSamples = {}
local WaveformSampleCount = 256
local CurrentTime = 0
local function GetWaveformSamples()
local interval = Deck1Sound.TimeLength / WaveformSampleCount
local soundPart = Deck1Sound:Clone()
local soundPosPart = Instance.new("Part")
soundPosPart.Position = Vector3.new(6969,6969,6969)
soundPart.Parent = soundPosPart
soundPosPart.Parent = workspace
for i = 1, WaveformSampleCount do
soundPart.TimePosition = CurrentTime
local sample = soundPart.PlaybackLoudness / 500
table.insert(WaveformSamples, sample)
CurrentTime = CurrentTime + interval
This code attempts to iterate 256 times (determined by WaveformSampleCount) and generate a number between 0 and 1 by using PlaybackLoudness / 500 after setting TimePosition (since most songs tested don’t exceed the PlaybackLoudness value of 500, and if they do, I can always clamp it later.)
This code seems to “work”, as in, no errors are printed into the console, but the problem is there’s no actual useful values associated with it, because with my bar graph drawing code, I don’t see any useful bars being rendered, as you saw above with the flat lines.
This is my DrawWaveform code, which also should work just fine.
local function DrawWaveform(parent: GuiObject, autosize: boolean, samples)
for i,v in ipairs(samples) do
local size = UDim2.fromScale(1 / WaveformSampleCount, v)
local color = NeutralColor:Lerp(HighlightColor, v)
local instance = Instance.new('Frame')
if autosize then instance.AutomaticSize = Enum.AutomaticSize.X end
instance.BackgroundColor3 = color
instance.Size = size
instance.Parent = parent
if i % 8 == 0 then task.wait() end
TrackLoaded = true
Any help is appreciated with helping me make this finally work, thanks!