Any way to improve this build?

I’m working on a fighting game with a friend with map rotation, you can see what the other maps look like here: Any map ideas for my fighting game?

This is one of the new maps I made and while I am proud of it, I am not happy with how empty it looks, do you have any suggestions on what I can fill the emptiness with? The map is a cavern map with lava on the ground, sort of like a mine.

Here is an updated version of the map using (almost) all of the suggestions:

I added pebbles, ores, pillars, different colored trees, and more. Anything else I should change?


I think adding some variation would look nice (eg esch tree has a bit of a different color). I also noticed that the ground and tree transition quite abruplty, maube add some sorta of “base” to the tree?


As @PILOT5A said, it could use with some variation. Maybe a subtle difference in the colour of the rocky walls and on top of that, you could probably add some rubble and some black soot?

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What do you mean by “base”? Like roots?

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Maybe adding more decoration it feels pretty bare bones imo - no hate though

I’m asking what I should fill it with.

maybe some ores with different colors more pickaxes maybe some cavey pillars of stone

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Yes roots could possibly work, i just dont rewlly like how to ground transitions to the trees

walls kinda boring rest is great!

Looks great mate, only thing I’d suggest is that the ceiling should almost be a bowl shape kind of instead of just flat and make it more rocky instead of just a smooth surface. This is a cave afterall but it feels bloxy. I think everything else honestly looks amazing.

Forgot to show the roof, its not flat :+1:

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Maybe you could add some planks as short bridges that people can use to get across some parts of the map easier.

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Yea try burnt wood or even some rock terrain because thats the usual terrain thats is present at a volcano.

Its not a volcano, it’s a cavern.

Oh then some rocks or stalagmites would work great sorry for the confusion

Also the walls are yoo flat try rounding them out or add pinches to the design

In the second picture, where the minecart track goes into what appears to be a cave, it might look nice to make the cave look dark, and not just a stone wall.