Any way to keep a Sine tween looping without it resetting its animation?

I’m tweaking a ocean script I had made for me to make the tween animation have a smooth start. The tween animates the texture on the ocean to make it appear as if it is moving. I set my animation to Sine to create a smooth start, however once the animation ends it resets, creating a jarring visual to the player.

Ideally, I want the animation to continue and not slow down or end, to loop seamlessly after the initial speed up has finished. I have tried starting with a sine tween and then playing a linear tween once the sine tween has finished, however the transition between the two is not seamless.

The code:

local tweens = game:GetService("TweenService")
local texture = Plane.Texture
local moving = false
local movingway = 0
local info =, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.In, -1)
local infocont =, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.In, -1)
local info2 =, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out, 0, false)
local tween = tweens:Create(texture, info, {OffsetStudsU=150})
local tweencont = tweens:Create(texture, infocont, {OffsetStudsU=150})
local tween2 = tweens:Create(texture, info2, {OffsetStudsU=0})

function MoveWaves()
	if moving == false then
		movingway = 1
		moving = true
		movingway = 0
		moving = false

I’m not entirely sure if this will help you but - the last property of is “Reverse”, this plays the tween backwards once it’s complete playing the initial tween. There’s also an option to repeat the same tween multiple times, you can just allow it to repeat indefinately.

I’ll link you the resource so you can check it out better, if this does help you let me know.

Im good with tweening, how i would complete this task is creating the tween that goes from point A to point B. Then a tween that goes from point B to point A. Then play both tweens in a sequential loop.