Any way to make An A-chassis car teleport when it hits a part?

I am thinking of making a drift course game, where if you hit something, you get teleported back to a certain position. I am a builder (duh) and I have absolutely 0 idea how to script, so I kinda need to be force fed scripts. I need it to be a certain position so that I can teleport them to the next stage. (also, maybe make a leaderboard that shows the stage you’re on when the car hits it) :slight_smile: thx

Yeah I would love to help, but you are not supposed to give full scripts on the developer forum.

Maybe hire someone? I’ll do it for 900 robux.

Flagged, and moving on.

What an

Thanks! I’ll try that! I can hopefully figure it out!

Sorry, but I think it would be nice if you told any future thread visitors on how you can make this work. A-Chassis is so buggy when it comes to moving it around, the chassis goes crazy when it gets teleported and I have no idea how to solve this.

Using A-Chassis, I think you can just move the vehicle’s primary part if you set one. This could cause issues, but I think it won’t.

It does cause a lot of issues.
A-Chassis car EXPLODING on teleportation - Help and Feedback / Scripting Support - Developer Forum | Roblox