Any way to make roblox look worse?

So weird question, Im wondering if there is a way I could make robloxs graphics look worse, why? Im currently working on a game, and having the game look like old games would help a lot with the vibes, so is there a way to do this?

go and change roblox lighting to “Compatibility”

where might I find this Compatibility property? Or whatever it is? I cant seem to find it.

That might be because it no longer exists! The best you can do is Voxel lighting.

Not sure if you’re referring to old Roblox games in specific or generally old games but as for getting that retro vibe, a few things that are commonly found in old-games:

Low quality resolution textures that look almost as if stretched out, or straight up pixelated, and are very visibly used in a repeating pattern aka not using Organic Pattern

Fairly low detail map design with close to no too-complex models, the polygons are usually very easily spotted giving that sharp look to models

Often reoccuring assets/textures

2D face assets (Billboard GUIs) most commonly these are trees or bushes

Older games (outside of Roblox) also often used things like fog to be able to hide anything further than needed for the player to see, to save on loading in assets, which of course is still a thing today but used to be far more prevalent back then

Another thing would be limiting the display resolution to something low, that way everything looks a little more pixelated naturally, just like the screens used back in the day. Don’t know how you would achieve this in Studio though, you’d have to find out yourself.

Puppet Combo is a studio that creates Horror games in a retro style and they do it pretty darn well, if that’s something you’re aiming for I’d suggest looking into it a little bit and picking out certain aspects that might help.
If you’re looking for strictly Roblox retro style then a few of the suggestions I made still apply, but you could find a lot more on the devforum itself.

Hopefully I didn’t misunderstand what you’re asking for specifically, since “graphics” is a very broad term.

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wow, i just found that out. that sucks


Compatibility still “exists” in a way, here’s how you can use it:

  1. Look for the ColorGradingEffect in the objects tab, or search for it.

  2. Place it in Lighting.

  3. Go to Properties and switch TonemapperPreset from Default to Retro.

  4. There it is!


Also, you can use this effect with any other Lighting Technology, such as ShadowMap or Future.