Any way to send these type of messages?

Hey! I would like to know if theres a way to send these types of messages to players? I would think so!

In an attempt to replicate this kind of effect, you could take a BlurEffect Instance and enable it when the message appears. As for getting the Frame, you will have to do more stuff:

  1. Start a Test session
  2. Have the Player kicked from the game, session still running though
  3. In Studio Settings, set Show CoreGui to true
  4. Open CoreGui in explorer and look for the Frame (don’t delete anything)

If you just want to kick the player and give them a message, you do


If you want to have a similar notification to Roblox’s error notification to use throughout your game, you can do as @SomeFedoraGuy said.

But from a game design perspective I would not recommend using the same Roblox error Gui for things in your game as it will confuse players who might think they have disconnected (since that is the screen they see when they disconnect in every single Roblox game).

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ah alright! ty! just wanted to know for an upcoming teaser game!

:smiley: ill look into that and see if i can get it working! thanks!

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