Any way to weld things to players more easily?

Hello, I would like to know if there’s any way to weld things to players more easily as I’m planning to weld more objects to the player in the future.


This is a sword I welded to the player. The thing is, I had to constantly exit and enter testing to change the script so the sword’s position would be correct. it’s a lot of trial and error and I’m wondering if there’s a way to avoid that. Thank you.

I’d preferably like to avoid Plug-ins but if any work don’t feel afraid to share them

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One way is to use a “proxy”, by basically positioning an invisible part at the UpperTorso/Torso position (duplicate the Torso, set the size to (.2,.2,.2)). Set your sword model’s PrimaryPart to this invisible part (the red part below) and position the sword however you want.

Make sure to first weld your Sword to this PrimaryPart (red part) manually, then in a script simply weld the PrimaryPart to the UpperTorso/Torso of the character.

local model = game.ReplicatedStorage.Sword:Clone()
model.Parent = character

local weld ="WeldConstraint")
weld.Part0 = model.PrimaryPart
weld.Part1 = character.UpperTorso
weld.Parent = model.PrimaryPart

That’s actually really smart, thanks! I’ll try implementing this soon

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