Any ways to reduce lag?

I’m currently working on a game and it has a big map. Four, 2048x2048 baseplates next to eachother. I have gotten many reports of lag both in game, and in studio. I myself have issues with the lag too. Is it the map size, or a script that is causing it? If you need the place file, I might be able to upload it. I have tried to clone the baseplate with a localscript whenever someone joins the game, but that didn’t work.
Thanks for any help!


This is a great resource for how to tell what part of your game is causing lag:

Any specific questions off of that, I’m sure I or others would be happy to follow up.


I’ve tried that, but I don’t know how to read it.

Ok, I learned a little bit, and i took a screenshot of what is most likely causing the lag.

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Try using this to identify what exactly is using most memory, and once you figure that you are able to know exactly what you need to optimize:

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PhysicsParts seems to be taking up the most in PlaceMemory.
In CoreMemory, default takes up the most.
I don’t understand though. I don’t have that many parts in the place, just lots of Unions. Could that be it? (The unions are roads)


Yes, unions makes big impacts on places due to the amount of triangles they take.

For example, if I made a house and it had more than 100 unions, that would possibly be (100 unions times 2500-3000 unions), that would be about 250000 to 300000 triangles. What you can do to fix a problem like this is export the group of unions that are similar in material and color, export to blender to modify to get under 5000 triangles, and import back into Roblox.

I would check how many unions you have though. Use this script my friend @Kiansjet made to count parts, unions, and meshes.

local parts = 0
local meshes = 0
local unions = 0

for _,obj in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do
    if obj:IsA('BasePart') then
        if obj:IsA('MeshPart') then
            meshes = meshes + 1
        elseif obj:IsA('UnionOperation') then
            unions = unions + 1
            parts = parts + 1

print('--- COMPLETE ---')
print('Parts: '
print('Meshes: '..meshes)
print('Unions: '..unions)
print('Total: ' + unions + meshes)

I ran the script, here is what I got:
Parts: 845
Meshes: 0
Unions: 305
Total: 1150

Would I be able to export the roads as an OBJ, pipe it into blender, add the textures, then pipe it back to roblox?


This seems strange, you don’t have many unions, and majority of the work space is filled with parts. May I have a link to your game to check it out?

I am not experiencing any lag when in game. Did you remove any scripts or modified anything major before making this post?

Nope. It mainly lags in studio. I’m trying to fix that.

If this is happening in studio, I would try seeing whats your settings for the quality of everything in studio.

Go to:

Once you get to rendering, check EditQuality & QualityLevel

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Strange, I am not really sure what is happening in studio then. Put by the picture I see you are using a Mac device? I am not familiar with how performance in studios works for Macs, but I would try to see if anything is wrong when you edit other places in studio. If so, it may be Roblox Studio that is not working correctly in general or your device.

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Ok. AFAIK, it works fine in other games.

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There isn’t any Lag for me in the place. Is your Internet connection fast enough? And can your CPU render the entire thing at 60fps? One of those might possibly be the problem.

Internet is fine. It is probably my CPU or GPU to be honest. My computer is almost 8 years old lol.

That might be the problem then. But don’t jump to conclusions. There surely is someway to solve the lag problem.

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Happening with me too!

QualityLevel and EditLevel is on 1 and it still isn’t smooth. I have a Macbook 2015 so the CPU and Graphics are fine. Has also started lagging recently, so it must be something to do with studio.