Anybody can help me make a script for my vehicle GUIs?

Hello. I have been making a vehicle GUI for a summer update for my game. I am bad at scripting so I don’t know what I should do. I tried looking up on devforum and youtube but no answers solve my question.

the main spawn menu:
paint menu:

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So what do you want to achieve?

Totally forgot that part.
Anyways I need help to achieve a working vehicle GUI.

Something like a vehicle spawner?

Because basic ones (the ones you step on and it regens vehicle, looks like a purple cylinder) can lag the game

Does this help?

I’ve tried that, does not work of the type of vehicle spawner GUI I’m adding to my game.

This should work well:

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local Car1 = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Car1")--Replace Car1 with the car you want to spawn

	local Player = Players.LocalPlayer
	local HumanoidRootPart = Player:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
	local NewCar1 = Car1:Clone()
	NewCar1.Parent = workspace
	NewCar1.PrimaryPart.Position = HumanoidRootPart.Position +,0,0)--Change the 7 to how many studs away you want the car to be

Put this script in the spawn button and follow the instructions in the script

Should I use a Localscript or a normal script?

This is a LocalScript. You can also tell by Players.LocalPlayer because the Server doesn’t have LocalPlayer. Just to improve your programming skills.

Doing all of this on a LocalScript would not replicate the vehicle to the server.

You would need to use RemoteEvents for this as you would want to send a request to the server everytime a player wants to spawn a car.

You will need to start with a LocalScript, and ensure that the spawn button is actually a TextButton and not a TextBox, judging from the explorer screenshots.

LocalScript - parent it to the spawn button:

-- assuming that you've made a selection system for what car to spawn on click

local RS = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local spawnCarEvent = RS:WaitForChild("SpawnCar") -- make a RemoteEvent called SpawnCar
local spawnButton = script.Parent

local carToSpawn = "Car" -- name of the vehicle to spawn in ReplicatedStorage
local debounce = false

    if debounce then return end

    debounce = true


    debounce = false


local RS = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local carsFolder = RS:WaitForChild("Cars") -- make a new folder called Cars
local spawnCarEvent = RS:WaitForChild("SpawnCar")

spawnCarEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, car)
    local findCar = carsFolder:FindFirstChild(car)
    local plrChar = plr.Character 

    if not findCar or not plrChar then return end

    local spawnedCar = findCar:Clone()
    spawnedCar.Parent = workspace
    spawnedCar.PrimaryPart.CFrame = plrChar.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame *,0,0)

I’d highly recommend adding a way to detect whether it’s a vehicle or not, such as a cars folder, as event manipulation can be used to spawn other items from ReplicatedStorage. Once this system gets more advanced and you add prices for the vehicles, I’d run checks on the server to ensure the player has enough as this can be manipulated if you solely rely on the client.

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My bad dumb, dumb moment. Follow @walshuk method instead.