Anyone can help me figure out how to remove this glass line thing?

you can see from the pic the line in the middle of the glass, its quite an eyesore but I can’t figure out how to remove it, the glass is aligned so I don’t see a reason why there should be a line

is it unioned? I have unioned parts before and the line has disappeared.

I suggest using blender to create grass similar design as this without any visible lines. Don’t have Blender or the knowledge to do so? That’s okay, you can import it as a mesh by exporting the model, as addition, it will up your place performance than Union (also a way to prevent corruption.)

That’s just the effects of 2 glass pieces together. Use the F3X plugin and change it to whatever texture then back to glass, that might work.

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I usually use unions to remove the lines, whichever works for you.

The part shown is already an union

Some lines disappear when unioned but this line appears when I union

If you know how, export it in to blender or another 3D modeling program then remove the faces in between the two parts. Then merge the connecting verticies and import it back in to studio.

this seems to be quite a complicated solution to it but i’ve found a much, much simpler solution haha
thanks for your input though

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