Is anyone else having audio uploads stuck in approval?
My audio I uploaded hours ago is still showing the hourglass icon. The sound seems to work in-game and in Studio, but the game console throws download errors for the sound id’s (even though it seems to be playing them).
perhaps they are temporarily allowing this due to high load pending moderation?
Hello, is anyone else having the same problem atm? It’s been 17 hours and all of my audios are still on pending. I tried uploading different audios and they’re still stucked in pending.
Yes, my approvals eventually went through, this was a temporary backlog of approvals making the upload approvals take longer. IDK if there is a current upload approval delay, I have not uploaded any audios recently.
I am actually experiencing the same issue. I uploaded an 18-second audio onto ROBLOX back in June 30th of this year, and 4 days later, it’s still not approved. I’m not really sure why is that happening though.
I did try to reupload the audio 2 days later, same thing.