Anyone else having problems with incorrect mesh pivot points?

Ever since roblox gave us the ability to edit pivot points, I have had this issue. Even though I have applied all transforms and set the origin of a mesh properly in blender, the pivot points in studio are always above or to the side of my meshes. Am I doing something wrong here? I usually set the origin to geometry or center of mass by volume, and set the studio import scale to centimeters.


Studio for some reason defaults the pivot point to the 0,0,0 point and the distance from the model will be determined by how far your blender model was from that point. I believe that is a bug and you should report it through the @Bug-Support group

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I’ll definitely report the bug, but this happens even if the mesh was already at 0,0,0 in blender.

Hey I’m having the same issue with that. For example, a straight line of block has the pivot from the top left corner to the down right corner instead of having it in the middle, I cannot fix it since the pivot editor does nothing with the mesh.

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