Anyone else still finding the new forum difficult to use?

I can’t tell if I’m still just used to the old forum, or if I genuinely find Discourse difficult, but the entire setup seems so much more convoluted to me than Kunena :frowning:

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No; I’m getting used to it. Granted it’s taken a little while, but it does offer far smoother features than Kunena did.

One small problem I have is that I personally prefer to check the “Latest” category instead of browse through each category: I find it irritating that it takes me two clicks to get to it from any post, instead of one as in Kunena :stuck_out_tongue:


Just type “GL”, that works just as well. :smiley:


Or just use tabs

@TraeMan7 I like it. People should use mentions more.

And use likes more as well. I miss our thank-you feature…

The problem is that “like” is often a way to save or favorite something. It’s not clear that on Discourse it’s a form of thank-you or upvoting.


What? It functions the same way it does on Imgur. I don’t see how it’s confusing.

I just generally don’t like the look of Discourse. I find the new forums really hard to look at in comparison to Kunena. Also, Echo, the theme is helpful but doesn’t do anything to the home page, which I find to be the most difficult to navigate. I’ll probably mess around with CSS today and see if I can make it look… friendlier.

Discourse also has a bookmark function on every post and thread, for saving things for later.

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Only trouble I am having is figuring out the search functionality (ex: I am not 100% sure how I would find all posts by Khanovich that contain the words “LUA LUA LUA LUA”), but I have gotten used to the layout.
1waffle1’s changes to Anaminus’s CSS layout changes works great for me.

Why would you use the home page? Latest is much more useful, showing all of the topics in one place, and if you’re going to tell me “well I only like viewing certain categories”, Discourse conveniently allows you to mute categories so they don’t appear in Latest. And if you really want to jump to a certain category, there’s something in the top left of the page that lets you do this without visiting the home page:

Because I shouldn’t have to change my browsing habits for Discourse.

Regardless, my biggest complaint (in light of being shown the Latest section) is this:

I like to see names. Not pictures of characters I don’t typically recognize.

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It’s like that on every category though – not just Latest:

Also, the home page doesn’t show you the names of the posters either. If you’d prefer no avatars and no names over avatars and no names, you can just delete the users column with Stylish or Greasemonkey/Tapermonkey.

I don’t know what you mean by changing your browsing habits. The home page is a brief overview of everything that’s going on in the forum and neglects to communicate information like who has participated in the thread (original and latest poster), how many views a topic has, and how many posts a topic has. It also doesn’t show the most recent threads if there are more than five in that category that you haven’t read yet. It’s not so much forcing you to change your browsing habits as it is you not using it for what it was intended for.

It just kills my eyes whenever I look on the forum at 3 AM midnight.
Anyone know if there is a dark theme already for this one?

Do you use f.lux? Best program ever.



Honestly: it’s an amazing little program. Headaches? What headaches?

f.lux for Windows
Redshift for Linux
Twilight for Android

If you use Stylebot and then go on “Install Style from social” there is a dark theme someone made.

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I much prefer this forum to the old one, it’s cleaner, more efficient, and easier to navigate.