Anyone got some Feedback for my game Controls?

I did a post on this earlier. But I’ve added so much since then.
Basically, it’s a game where you go through an obby/puzzle but with wacky controls. It is also available to mobile you can test this out if you’re on mobile to.
Link to game: Controls - Roblox

I hope you enjoy :slight_smile: . Feedback and criticism would be much appreciated, Thank you.

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game link: Controls - Roblox

They look very good; however, I don’t know what to comment, since I’d need more context on the controls’ purpose to give good feedback. I understand that that’s the reason why you added the game link, but many people (like me) don’t like clicking links a lot.

So, based on the context I had, my feedback is:

Things that are already awesome
(1): The word “CONTROLS” came out amazing. Congrats.
(2): The keys’ design holds the same vibe that the word “CONTROLS” and the background have–something that looks really, really good.
(3): The overall design looks awesome.

Things to make better
(4): The only thing I do have to advise is for you to make the topic a bit clearer (with more context) so that the reader can give you good feedback.
(5): I don’t know if the keys are clear for the player to know what to do; I didn’t understand them, so they probably won’t either–unless the context ingame makes it clear.

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I completely understand that. I know I don’t like clicking on links either. the internet is never safe. But anyways thanks for the feedback.

The crouch GUI is in the middle of the screen
Put it to the side and or spice it up
Same with the other GUIs