Anyone Interested in Helping Test Our Game?

hey guys my game just reached it’s alpha stage, if you guys have some time, do you guys mind testing it out and giving some feedback?


Pretty Cool for alpha! The Best parts were the Cutscene very cool camera movements as well as the double jump and dash animations.

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I really like the sound that sounds when you have done a quest like you have restocked the cabinet of the donut shop. Some disadvantages are:
-The main menu is a bit simple (don’t worry I won’t judge you as I don’t know how to make main menus).
-The boxes (Donut Shop) have collision and can be a bit hard, make sure you have collision option off.
-Might need a small tutorial for start.

For the five minutes that I have play I can say that this game have potential, don’t give up, follow your mind. Amazing game.

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ahaha, that was a easter egg actually! I included it since worked really hard on it last summer, and no could beat the actual teaser game I made. Which was supposed to send you to the cutscene after defeating a really difficult boss (the green guy).

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Thank you! I appreciate the feedback, I don’t know if you found her, but there is a girl at the starting location which was supposed to be sort of like a tutorial/guide. I am hoping to make it better in the future! Also, thank you for letting me know about the collision enabled for the boxes, I’ll go ahead and fix that!

Make the walking and running animations different.

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thank you for the recommendation! The animation is actually taken from a resource on the dev forum, I am not that great at animating so I decided to just use a sped up version when running. If we do get a professional/experienced animator to create the animations, we will definitely add those changes. There are still a lot bigger things that we have to change/add so we have this goal on hold.

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