Anyone know a Proxy for this?

Hey there i’m making a side project and I really need a proxy for getting the image decals (without making my own unless I really have to, as it is just a for fun project). So if anyone can help me with this, BTW here is the regular API:

I tried replacing it with:
and got a DNS Resolve error… so yeah, any help?

Nobody know any of them? If so please help!

Do you mean you want to get the image into roblox?

i think he wants to Get the user created asset information filtered by the given asset type

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I already made the script to upload images to roblox, now I need a way to retrieve those images in roblox.

Do you have the id of the image you upload?

Unsure if this still works but I found somthing called “RoProxy” witch is a proxy.

You would need to use the API endpoint @BirdieI90 sent I think and just replace the with

Thanks for the response, but you must have missed something in my original post,

Unless I did it wrong, like I said, when trying to use roproxy I got a DNS Resolve error

Ah shoot my bad.

Might be an issue with roproxy.

Your good, hopefully someone else will know something

Well I guess I have to make my own.