when you hover over this text, it like plays this cool animation that moves the letters around individually. Im just not sure on how to achieve this…
Anyone got tips?
when you hover over this text, it like plays this cool animation that moves the letters around individually. Im just not sure on how to achieve this…
Anyone got tips?
I saw that you moved your camera and the GUI stayed in place.
That’s because it’s not a screen gui but rather a bunch of parts with surface guis.
You can raycast from the camera, and once the raycast hits the button, make the parts move.
Here’s a tutorial that might help you :
Let me know if you need anything else,
Hope it helps
Lol i already know this, im not talking about its surface guis and all that. I just wanna know how i could make a text move like this. because I know its possible to edit individual letters in a text using rich text or something like that.
Do you want to replicate it using a screen gui or a surface gui (like in the video you sent) ?
I mean arent they pretty much the same. im not moving around blocks or stuff. Im using a screen gui
So, I might be wrong but I’m pretty sure you cannot move/offset letters even using rich text. The only solution I can think of is making a textlabel for every single letter and then offsetting the textlabels themselves.
Hope it helps