Anyone know of a VSCode Theme that emulates Studio Dark Mode?

Not that important but it would be nice to have a theme would help the transition from mainly scripting on Studio to scripting on VSCode.

Here the theme if you somhow don’t know:

Thanks for the support!

From ChatGBT,

If you’re looking for a theme in Visual Studio Code that resembles the default theme in Roblox Studio, the closest match would be a dark theme with bright, contrasting text for clarity. Roblox Studio has a dark background with color-coded syntax elements, such as blue for variables, green for comments, and yellow for warnings.

Here are some theme options that resemble Roblox Studio:

1. One Dark Pro

  • Description: One Dark Pro is a highly popular dark theme that has a very similar color scheme to Roblox Studio. It provides a dark background with color-coded syntax and is widely used for various programming languages.
  • Installation:
    • Open VS Code, go to the Extensions tab, and search for “One Dark Pro”.

2. Dracula Official

  • Description: Dracula is another popular dark theme that has high contrast colors, similar to Roblox Studio. It has bright text that makes it easy to differentiate between various parts of the code.
  • Installation:
    • Go to Extensions in VS Code, and search for “Dracula Official”.

3. Monokai Pro

  • Description: Monokai Pro is a refined version of the classic Monokai theme, offering a clean, high-contrast design with similar bright colors for syntax highlighting.
  • Installation:
    • Search for “Monokai Pro” in the VS Code Extensions tab.

4. Night Owl

  • Description: Night Owl is a dark theme optimized for those working in low-light environments. It has a somewhat similar palette to Roblox Studio with easy-to-read syntax highlighting.
  • Installation:
    • Search for “Night Owl” in the Extensions tab.

How to Apply a Theme:

  1. Open Visual Studio Code.
  2. Go to the Extensions view (you can use Ctrl+Shift+X or Cmd+Shift+X on macOS).
  3. Search for the theme you prefer (e.g., “One Dark Pro”).
  4. Click Install on the theme you choose.
  5. After installation, press Ctrl+K then Ctrl+T (or Cmd+K then Cmd+T on macOS) to open the theme picker and select your newly installed theme.

This should get you a theme that gives you a similar aesthetic to Roblox Studio!

Not sure whether or not this is helpful.

i wouldnt use AI generated responses on the devfourm, i dont think its allowed + you dont know that it will work so generally don’t use ai in posts.

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i personally recommend RBLXDark, from what i have seen using it, it basically looks identical
you can get it by doing Edit>Preferences>Theme>Color Theme>Install Additional Themes then type RBLXDark and it should appear

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Yes I agree. If I wanted to ask AI I could just go to it for myself. The Forum Mods should do the same thing they did with StackOverflow and block AI responses.

When i go to the dev-form I’m looking for a real person that want’s to share the knowledge NOT Autocomplete on Steroids’ :expressionless:

Its really close and I’ll use it for now. But the syntax highlighting is way off. The default dark them has better syntax highlighting that that! :sweat_smile: By following you serch I found RBLX lua [non-italic] witch has slightly better highlighting. (still not perfect though)

It would be nice it someone took the time to completely recreate Roblox’s theme. (I would but I don’t have the time, or knowledge to do so)

Thanks for the response!

yeah lol, maybe if i have some spare time on my hands i may make theme like that.

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