This may not suit this topic but does anyone know how Speed Run 4’s air strafing was made? Anyone who played it might notice they have full control mid-air and maybe they use body movers idk…
I thought this was always the case. Try giving your character high jump power and walkspeed. Anyways, they could always just detect if the humanoid goes into the jump state and then increase their walkspeed when they enter jumping and decrease when they go into landed.
We won’t really know fully because we didn’t make the game, if you want a full idea you should ask “Vurse” the creator of speed run 4.
If you have a most velocity at 0,0,0 power and max force 0,50000,0 then it would hold you in place vertically. You can then probsbly velocity the humanoid root part which would still allow the player to move. That’s my guess.
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