I’d post this in bug reports but I don’t have access and don’t feel like jumping through hoops to find out how to gain access so I’m putting this here (Since it is Help & Building related anyways…) in hopes someone has run into this issue and has a temp fix.
I was in studio moments ago constructing a sidewalk and I ran into an odd bug with the scaling tool, a normal part would move when rescaling [as shown below]…
It happens with every part I try to scale…
I tried restarting studio, I tried deleting the part and bringing it back, I tried manually setting values… I haven’t tried reinstalling studio yet but I’ll try tomorrow even though I doubt it’d work…
Anyways, has anyone ran into this issue before? And if so, is there a temporary fix for it?
The part moves & rescales in the opposite direction im scaling it in (I’m scaling it to the top right but it’s moving & rescaling on the bottom left while i rescale almost like its stretching)
From personal experience, I’d recommend something a bit different from F3X; F3X is like a “jack of all trades, master of none” - works okay, but there are better, more specialized tools for many of its functions.