Anyone want to help make a pirate ship game?

Interested? Fill out this form!

Intro Stuff

My roommate: “You should make a game in that crossy-roads style, but with pirate ships!”

And so I put together a prototype! It’s pretty basic. You have a single ship that you can pilot. It has cannons. The cannons fire cannonballs. The cannonballs explode. There are two teams. Currently, there isn’t any objective. But I want that to change.

The idea is to make this similar to a top-down shooter, but with blocky pirate ships.

Who Wants In?

I need a couple builders. And perhaps someone to help design game modes for this. Would anyone be interested?

Early Screenshots/Videos

Simple build:

Procedural terrain:

In-game piloting ship:

Interested? Fill out this form!

For the nerds:

  • Uses my Team Crazy Game Framework
  • Uses FilteringEnabled (TCGF acts as middleware for this)
  • Compatible for both desktop and console
  • Uses legit procedural noise techniques for the terrain to create heightmaps

The flag on the ship is blowing the wrong way. Get your flag grain right!

I’m interested though


I am potentially interested in building, and artwork of you need it.

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I made a quick logo/title for the game. I have no idea what the actual title is or if it has a title yet. Just a concept.


Honestly I’ve been wanting a remastered “Galleons” type game for awhile. Just haven’t gotten around to getting a team to make it.


This sounds pretty similar to a concept I’ve been kicking around for a while; in fact, I’ve even made some tiny boat models. Send me a PM if you like what you see.

Did you base those off of existing ships? They look like a schooner and brig.

Yep. The hull is based off an 1842 design for a US brig.

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Glad to see people are interested! I’ll work out the actual things I need and put together something to figure out exactly what is needed for this game.

Thankfully it’s pretty simple and the mechanics are nearly complete already–already works with a gamepad controller and such too. More-so the game just needs an objective overall and content.

What happened to theme park game?

It’s out there somewhere, someday and I will be waiting.


I ran into the most insane bugs. It was built on an early version of my Team Crazy Game Framework, which had some big issues. Essentially I’d have to remake the whole game to fix it. I’d rather stick with something of a smaller scale for now.

I’d sure be interested in this, if I wasnt already working on like 5 projects xd

Can I gently point out that passively boasting in most of the posts you make does not help anyone or anything.

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Im not boasting about anything…? Im merely stating that I’m busy as hell, which is nothing to brag about; and also stating how much this project interests me.

Someone needs to stop acting on the attack…

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As I’ve noticed a while ago that your posts generally have some form of bragging in them but have refrained from saying anything, and given the fact that it’s frankly gotten on my nerves I think I could have worded my post a lot harsher.
Please just take the advice on board, as this isn’t something that only I have noticed.

This is not the place to hash out random arguments. Please keep on topic!

If anyone is interested, please fill out this form!

I’d really love to help, but I have 2 projects of my own that I’m currently working on for the past few months. Plus finals are coming up. And work.

The life of a college student.

I’m very interested in this project (Would be willing to halt my current project).

If you plan on developing the game very quickly, there may be some issues, since you’ve started this project at the end of school.

My posts are not bragging, I have little to brag about. Compared to most developers on ROBLOX I am nothing, my posts are either on topic, or something fun for the community. Please stop trying to make a scene in someone else’s thread. If you have a problem with me, please consult me privately about it rather than driving a thread off topic.

Von that wasn’t a boast at all calm down dude lol

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