Anything I can do to make these rooms feel more alive?

To keep it simple, I have been working on a personal build for a little while and, for the most part, the rooms look really well done and detailed. However, there are two rooms that just feel empty.

Nothing is really wrong with them, the builds themselves are fine, but they feel devoid of life.
Granted, players won’t spend much game time in these rooms, but I don’t know what I could add to make them feel more alive.

Here are the two rooms I am talking about:

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You could try using more materials like for the 1st image you could change the material and colour of the ceiling and change the floor material. Also the carpet looks super red and I think you should make the colour less bright. You could add some details to the walls like pipes, cables, some small screens and maybe just some pictures. For the seconds image I think you could add a texture for the floor and also add pipes to the ceilings.


Im not sure if this fits your purpose but you could try adding some NPCs or at least making the rooms look a little more lived in. For example in the first one, I’m assuming, it’s a meeting room so some kind of. Perhaps add some coffee or a stack of documents that someone left out. A whiteboard or corkboard with notes from the last meeting. If you’re going more futuristic, a hologram or two. A few pens and markers, or even a projector or a screen. (I agree with the previous post, the carpet is far too bright)

For the second one, I’m assuming it’s a hallway. NPCs would add the most life but if that’s not what your going for, perhaps a water dispenser or some benches to sit and look at the vast void of space. Assuming that that is a ledge and not a handrail, you could add some “clutter” like pens, a piece of paper, a coffee cup, or a water cup from the water dispenser. (Once again I agree with the previous post, a rug(not as bright as the last one) would fit nicely)

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