Hello! So I recently created this game called, “Raise a Moai” it is basically a game where you raise a Moai. I published it but feel there could be more added.
It would be really cool if anyone could give any feedback/bugs/or cool ideas for me to add! I don’t mind if you have bad feedback I just really want to hear some new ideas!
I got far twice and unfortunately I didn’t beat it, but here’s some of my thoughts:
you should be more informative of some of the things you can do in the game. for example,
im kinda dumb, but I had no idea you could click to open the back door to the laundry room, maybe mention this is possible…?
do the other moai make additional money? I didn’t know who to click, so i only clicked the 2x moai because I couldn’t tell what was happening. I had the additional moai, starter/hungry moai, buff moai, and the 2x moai.
I tried giving the moai some 2x milk, but after using the “Interact” proximity prompt, nothing happened. did something happen, or is this a bug?
what do the plants do? I filled 2/4 planters, but I had no idea if the water I was spending was even helpful for the game
does the shop decoration have a purpose? does it raise happiness? what does happiness even do?
^ players would be thinking about things like this while playing the game, try to explain it without going overboard with info, making the game too
other thoughts:
some of ui is pretty basic, its not bad, but adding some detail can inhance the feel of the game
during the tutorial, I was walking around and I had no idea that my moai was losing hunger. you should start ticking down on moai’s hunger after a player skips or starts the tutorial, but you should also disable getting cash until the end of the tutorial so this feature isnt abused
during my first run i was always low on cash, and I constantly bought burgers. try adding more cash sources or showing different ways you can make money besides washing clothes and clicking your moai.
during the 10th birthday, there’s a cutscene asking the player to purchase the moai a gift or to buy a gamepass. I did not want to buy a gamepass, and I did not know how to buy the moai a gift besides the regular stuff on the internet, which i couldn’t afford early game.
the map is pretty bland, try adding decor or something to spice it up. an example could be vegetation/trees, terrain, etc. also i noticed some random stuff floating, such as the nuke area and a house. you should put this out of player view, it makes the game look bad.
when I hold a piece of clothing it wont go in the machine unless its unequipped. also if im right, I think you can accidentally start the washing machine without putting in any clothes.
when I lose the game continues playing, I can still earn money, buy stuff, etc. also the music constantly loops.
overall, I had fun, but sometimes the poo became a hastle.
forgot to mention this but you should let the player know about your “headstart” gamepass, I didn’t know about it until halfway through my second playthrough. maybe you can tell them through a popup after the tutorial, for example.
So I read your notes that were really useful, I will make some changes like adding more instructions without the tutorial and fix that milk problem. I had a similar issue but this one is new.
Also I will try and spice the map up I already got ideas. **Be cool if you had some ** good ideas for the map too!