Anyway to access CoreGui or any method to prevent Exploit injectors

It’s possible to detect Dex by listening to game.DescendantAdded wrapped under a protected call (to prevent errors from spamming your console), but as far as I know, it’s not possible to remove it if it’s under CoreGui. Exploiters can easily remove such scripts, even if you hide those detection scripts under nil.

Kicking the exploiter won’t always work, since they have ways of preventing local kicks from working. Remotes can be intercepted, so sending kick messages over them won’t always work.

What I’m essentially saying is, don’t worry about detecting or removing these exploit menus and instead work on protecting your remotes. You are fighting a losing battle when you try to implement client-side security, since people will always be able to bypass it.


he is right I just made a anti dex just rn

This Used to work, also it makes your game un playable because it will kick you for:

  1. Joining the game
  2. Chatting
  3. Using DevConsole
  4. Opening the playerlist.
  5. Using any guis in the game
  6. Opening the menu

The point is this is 100% unreliable, don’t worry about dex at all, Just secure your game.,

Obviously, if you were to check for Dex by listening to game.DescendantAdded, you would have to only listen for things named “Dex”.

Did I not say that here or something?

LOL, you can’t read the descendants that are added dude, don’t post stuff if you don’t even know.
tostring() was patched wayyyy long ago.

I think they check memory usages, if it increases say, 100MB, the player is suspected of exploiting

I managed to detect all CoreGui insertions after some help from a guy here in DevForum.

just to correct you, he’s probably talking about game:FindFirstChild(“Dex”,true) not tostring.

That was patched like month or two ago when Synapse Dex was affected by this.

Syn.protect_gui bypasses and roblox patched it!

Could you look interesting on Aspect Anti Exploit | Anti Exploit for Roblox | 2022 - YouTube

I’ve bypassed this… It’s a memory | GC Check and it can’t read core gui but rather just spikes in the gc, unreliable.

I know unfortunately it’s hard for me in Studio. This is just an example of what it did with the Coregui, taking up a lot of spikes in memory and a lot more found on YouTube 2022. Thank for answering me. :+1:t4:

Ez I’ll bypass just open game