I am currently implementing or have implemented Developer Products into my game where you click a button and the Roblox UI pops up with the “Buy Item” with description and price. When the player clicks to buy the item for Robux, the screen pops up and says “You purchases of blah blah blah succeeded”.
I have all of this setup using the MarketplaceService.ProcessReceipt using the PurchaseGranted to let roblox know that the purchase went through successfully.
This all works great but my problem is that when someone purchases something, I pop up a screengui to show them what they bought with the stats visible for that purchase. Currently that GUI happens before I return the PurchaseGranted as it runs some other code behind the scenes and then fires a client event to show the UI. The issue is that since the Roblox “Buy Item” UI is always on top, you cannot see my screengui that is behind it. I was wondering if there is a way that I can determine if the “Buy Item” UI is still visible or not, so that I can wait for it to not be visible to show my UI.
Here is a screenshot of what I am talking about:
you can see behind the Buy Item screen there is some yellow shimmering and then a green box with some words you can see peeking out of the bottom.