Anyway to get all arguments sent by a function?

Feel like the title says it all, how can I get all arguments that a function, or a remote event, etc sends.
Not sure if this is possible, but thought I’d ask

From client to server:
remoteEvent:FireServer(argument1, argument2, argument3) --as many arguments as you want
remoteEvent:OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, argument1, argument2, argument3)
–note that the first argument returned from the event will be the client which the event is fired on.

Use …
Then put it into a table because im pretty sure you cant access any of those parameters from the …
and if you need to put them into a function use table.unpack

local function Things(...)
	local t = {...}

Things("wow string", 123, false, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad)
▼  {
	[1] = "wow string",
	[2] = 123,
	[3] = false,
	[4] = Quad

correct me if this isnt what your talking about

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Exactly what I wanted! Ill try it out when I can! In the mean time, thanks!

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