Anyway to know when I player enters studio or teamcreate?

So i’m the head developer for scripting at Echelon Hotels and recently we have had issues with devs adding backdoors or deleting the game etc. So I was wondering if there is a way to track when a player joins the teamcreate or boots up studio. Even a way to track publishing will help. If there is a way i’ll or anything similar please reply with references or information on the topic.

If you go to your create page, find your game, and click “Configure Start Place,” you’ll see a version history tab. That’ll show you when certain updates were pushed out. It won’t, however, show you WHO pushed them out.

If you’re having trust issues with your developers, I recommend having a single head developer who you trust as the only one with access to the game (this could even be you). Then, have your developers send the head developer the scripts/models they’ve made to be audited and THEN put into the game. This makes it more secure, even if it does take longer.

Team Create can be a dangerous permission to just give out, so be mindful who you give it to.