Anyway to scale UIs with AspectRatioConstraint in it?

I want to be able to scale UIs with AspectRatioConstraint in it at the same time. Is it possible? If not, anyway to achieve that still?

What do you mean by scaling UIs with AspectRatioConstraints? I can scale them just fine in studio.

So I wanna make a UI that bounces up and down like a cycle of square slowly deforms into a rectangle, also have it to scale with player’s window at the same time. I can technically do that by changing the aspect ratio, but the algorithm to deform it is a bit complicated ( etc. aspect ratio 20 it looks like its half of its size, aspect ratio 500 it looks completely flat ), so I’m thinking maybe there’s an easier way to do this?

I think the only way is to adjust the aspect ratio constraint. Since it’s a width to height ratio, you would increase the aspectratio to squash the square.

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