Apartment Room Showcase

This Isnt Really Much To Say Here I Just was bored to i build this

Not Much i want you guys to give me feedback on what to work on its kinda all i got and i want to improve it to make it better!


It’s fine but I suggest using a beam instead of a transparent neon part

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My only issue is the desk chair, it looks a little long. Otherwise, this looks super good! I really like the detail on the door

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ok ill fix that litte mistake!

Fix the materials, and really adjust the colors of your materials. When you have dull colors like brown, and then use really bold colors like the black on your bed it takes the attention away from the room as a whole and focuses it on the much darker bold colors. Other than that, it doesn’t look that bad.

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ok ill work on the room coloring

Woah another cool creativity well done mate :+1:

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my post got flagged for no reason?