API help (Bypass 100 badges limit)

Hi, I’m using API services in my Free Badges game to award any new badge created in the game without updating it, but I met the issue. API can load only 100 badges, so I here to ask you for help, because there can be an bypass for this. Help!


Use cursors. If there is more than 100 badges then it will generate a next page cursor

you can add this in to the url by doing “url&cursor=” then cursor here.

Thanks, but how to get the cursor for each page?

stored as “nextPageCursor” in the base decoding so not inside the data table

So, how to get cursor for the each page?

It is with the data when you use the api

So, if I didn’t writed cursor it means that I’m loading badges from the first page, and if I writed the cursor that showing up in the first page API raw list, it will turn me to the 2nd page? Right?

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