[API] how can i get acces to my robux?

i wanted to get my robux ballance but it showed error code 403.

i have tried to use:

but that gave this error code


can anyone help me with tis issue?

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do you know how i can get acces?

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Doubt it since you’re dealing with Robux and you’re a member to the website. Most likely Roblox uses this for Market place or another API.

And this would be breach in privacy if Roblox allowed this.

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You need some sort of authentication such as the account’s cookie in the headers of the request. This only shows the authenticated account’s robux balance and you can’t get another user’s robux balance as that would be a breach of privacy like @MixedConscience said. Also I don’t recommend you pass your cookie through a proxy that you don’t own


Sorry for the bump, but would the name of the header just be “cookie” or would it be “ROBLOSECURITY”?

I believe the header is just “Cookie” and the actual content of the header should be “.ROBLOSECURITY=abcdef123456”

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